

How to choose a pump that suits your needs

How to choose a pump that suits your needs

On the market today there are many types of water pumps with many models, types, functions, … different. So, what is the right pump for your needs?

 Types of water pumps are popular today

  • Booster pump
  • High push water pump
  • Centrifugal water pump
  • Vacuum water pump

Criteria to know when choosing to buy water pumps

  • Pump capacity
  • Maximum flow
  • Push height
  • Suction depth

Advice on buying water pumps according to use needs

  • Pumps for water in the family
  • Water pumps for agriculture

    I)Common types of water pumps today

a) Booster pump

Booster pump is a type of pump used for the purpose of increasing the water pressure circulating in the pipeline, making the water flowing out of the nozzle used to be stronger, more.

The most commonly used booster pump is the auto pump type. When users open any one tap to get water for use, the pump will automatically turn on and create pressure to push the water flow stronger to meet the wishes of the user. And when the user closes the faucet, the pump automatically switches off.

The booster pump is used when the weak water pressure does not meet the needs of the family, especially as hotel restaurants need to use water in large quantities.

Turbochargers are also used to increase the efficiency of machines such as washing machines, solar water heaters, water heaters, etc.

b) High push water pumps

High-pressure water pumps are civil pumps, are used in a lot of pumping water from dug wells or from underground tanks to high tanks, irrigation water pumps, production, and can be used for pushing water on houses with many floors. High-pressure pump can pump up to a height of over 40m.

This type of machine ensures a stable flow of water and can filter clean water to ensure the health of consumers.

c) Centrifugal water pumps

Centrifugal pump is a type of hydraulic impeller, operating on the principle of centrifugal force, water is brought into the rotating center of the impeller and by centrifugal force, and has been pushed to the edge of the impeller.

With a special structure, centrifugal water pumps have the outstanding advantages of very large capacity, less frequent pipe impulses, so they are often widely used in the chemical industry.

Centrifugal pumps are used to pump and transport low viscosity fluids such as fresh water, sea water.

Centrifuges used in systems that do not require high-pressure poles but need large and regular flow, typically cooling systems in cooling rooms, in fire protection, fire pumps or irrigation pumps agriculture and horticulture.

d) Vacuum water pump

A vacuum pump is a type of machine that can pump both water and air. Specifically, this series of small family water pumps are capable of vacuum pump to a certain extent used to pump clean water or other similar liquids but not corrosive chemicals.

The efficiency of vacuum water pumps is higher than that of other types of pumps, which can be used for both civil and industrial applications.

In households, vacuum pumps are used as high-lift pumps, drawing water from underground tanks or pipes and pushing up to overhead tanks.

In agriculture, vacuum pumps are used for suction wells, irrigation and other tasks that require pumps.

II) Criteria to know when choosing to buy water pumps

a) Pump capacity

Pump capacity determines the strength of the water – weak, so this is one of the important points to note when buying a water pump.

b) Maximum flow

Pump capacity determines the strength of the water – weak, so this is one of the important points to note when buying a water pump.

c) Push height

The height of the water level is usually recorded as H, with the recorder is Hmax, Total H, that is the height that the machine can suck from the water, wells, lakes, tanks, … This is a certain maximum height The machine transports water to the upper tank, calculated vertically.

Typically, pumps do not bring water to reach the height recorded in the machine, but only about 70%.

Height push water pump

A Panasonic water pump has a pushing height of 38m

d) Depth of suction

The depth at which the pump draws water from the water surface to the center of the pump’s impeller. You should place the machine as close to the water as possible, because in fact the depth of use is often smaller than recorded in the machine.

If normal pumps when suction is about 8-9 meters, the phenomenon of non-suction can start to appear. This is marked as a cavitation limit, with the presence of bubbles. This basically affects the quality of water pumps.


Use household electrical appliances safely

Use household electrical appliances safely

The danger of electric current is different from the different types of hazards at work because people cannot recognize it before it happens, while the sound of an approaching vehicle can be heard. foresee the risk of an object being dropped or smelled for a leak.

About one in every 30 electrical accidents is fatal. The majority of these accidents are electric shocks or burns. Fires and explosions when welding in flammable air, radiation caused by arc or microwave heat processing are also likely to cause injury.


The danger of an electric shock is directly related to the strength and the time it flows through the body. When the amperage is small, the effect of the current is only unpleasant stimuli on the body, although it is enough to cause workers to lose their balance and fall from a ladder or scaffolding to the ground. With a medium intensity line, it causes a muscle contraction reaction and the jerky person will not release the things in his hand, making the situation quickly become very dangerous. With high intensity, the current can stop the heart and almost certainly cause death.

Electric current can also cause skin burns at the point of contact. However, severe burns can also occur without direct physical contact with the electric current. The humid environment makes the danger of electric shock greatly increase.

Electric current can pass through people thanks to the voltage. Therefore reducing the voltage also reduces the severity of electric shock injury, so it is common to use a 110v voltage wherever possible.

The main causes of electric shock are:

– The ground wire is not connected to the neutral pole in the socket but connected to the positive pole. Causing the neutral wire itself to become conductive;

– Wrong terminal connection on the socket and equipment;

– Fuse cover, circuit breaker box, output on lampholder damaged or lost; Use bare conductors.

– Flexible cables are damaged by rubbing on sharp surfaces or running underground;

– Temporarily repair flexible cables with electrical tape.

Handling electric shock accidents:

Disconnect, or if not possible, separate the victim from the electrical current by using long, clean, dry, non-conductive objects such as wooden sticks or long rubber samples, or a jacket-like fabric. Stand on dry and non-conductive materials like wood when doing this. Do not touch the victim until the current has not been cut.

If you find the person has stopped breathing, give artificial respiration, then send to an emergency and call a doctor. Continue with CPR until a doctor or ambulance arrives.

Electric supplying system:

At each workplace, there may be aerial power supply systems or deep underground. Before repairing, learn to understand the electrical system diagram.

Electrical installations:

Only qualified electricians can install and solve electrical problems. All electrical equipment must be checked and maintained periodically according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

If the device is damaged, do not repair it yourself, but leave it to an electrician. Wires and cables that supply power to the device should be mounted on walls or ceilings, not run on floors that are easily damaged or damp.

Do not tie the power cord knot, which can cause a short circuit or short circuit. When operating a stationary machine, emergency stop devices must be within reach of the operator.

Before using electrical equipment:

– Checking for defective places.

– Check the fuses and sockets, never temporarily connecting machines or sockets by bare wires connected to light bulbs or contacts.

– Check whether the insulation sheaths of wires and cables are broken or worn.

– Check grounding wires in the neutral wiring system.

Hand tools and appliances:

Double or fully insulated devices are safer than other conventional devices because they are equipped with internal protective layers in case the outer metal layer becomes conductive.

If you use a handheld device, you must be carefully instructed on its use and maintenance.

Before operating a portable power tool, check to ensure that:

– The wires and plugs are not damaged.

– There are compatible fuses.

– Set the right speed for the job.

– Electric conductors must not be in the path of other workers and not in contact with water.

– At the end of the job, make sure that the moving parts of the tool have stopped completely before placing.

Things to remember:

-If an accident occurs due to electrical contact, immediate power off.

-Do not execute on existing wires or cables.

-Never carry a hand-held tool with its cable.






Things to do when using electricity

Things to do when using electricity

1. Installation and protection equipment:
          –  Must be installed on phase wires; Encouraging the installation of switchgear and neutral wires simultaneously.
          – Select protective switch:
                   + Must match the capacity used.
                   + Must have lids, electrical parts.
          – Equipment must be installed at the top of the main power cord and branches at floors.
          – Encourage installation of electrical anti-spark devices. Specially flooded areas.
2. Installation of circuit breakers, fuses, switches, electrical sockets in housing construction:
          – Must be placed in a high place and convenient for use. Particularly, electricity-using households with young children or lying in flooded areas must be placed at least 1.40 meters above the ground and floors.
3. Installation of electrical equipment in the house:
          – Grounding metal casing for electrical appliances in the house, such as refrigerators, washing machines, electric cookers, etc.
          -Do not install electrical equipment in wet or flooded areas.Where equipment should be arranged, it must be protected by installing electrical equipment.
4. Checking:
          – Must regularly check the line; electric switches and switches (circuit breakers, fuses, switches, sockets) and electrical appliances in the house.
          – It is advisable to disconnect the electrical appliances when not in use (circuit breaker or unplug).Nên ngắt nguồn điện các thiết bị điện khi không sử dụng (cắt cầu dao hoặc rút phích cắm điện).
          – When the conductor is broken, peeling insulation; If equipment, electrical appliances, if damaged, must be replaced or repaired, they can continue to use them.
5. When there are thunderstorms, rain, storms or floods:
          – Cut off power (unplug) devices: Televisions, computers, … and separate the antenna cable from the TV to avoid spreading lightning.
          – When the house is flooded, rainstorms speed up the roof, fall the walls … should cut off the circuit breaker.
6. When it is necessary to repair or install electricity in a house:
          -The circuit breaker (circuit breaker, fuse, switch) must be disconnected and hung at the electrical switch “It Is Forbidden To Switch When Someone Is Working
7. Using hand-held electric tools (drilling machines, grinding machines …):
          – Insulated gloves must be worn to prevent electric shock.
8. When hands are wet or the floor or floor is damp:
          – Do not touch any electrical tools.Không chạm vào bất kỳ dụng cụ sử dụng điện nào.
          – Do not switch, break, switch or plug (unplug) the power plug.
          – Wet floors want to manipulate standing on insulators (wooden chairs, dry plastic …).
9.When the power is not cut off:
        –  Do not touch:
               + Electrical outlet.
               + Weaknesses of electric wires (where the insulating cover is cracked, peeling or peeling off insulating tape).
               + Fuses, fuses without a cover …
10. No:
         – Using electrical conductors, electrical equipment and electrical appliances in the home of poor quality because of easy access, electric shock causing accidents or fires, explosions …
11. No:
        – Clothesline; hanging, hook supplies, goods … into electric wires.
12. No:
          – Plug the end of the power cord directly (without a plug) into an electrical outlet.
          – Plugs and sockets must be sure (the plug is on the side of equipment and devices using electricity, the socket is on the side of the power source).
          – When unplugging, do not pull the power cord, must grasp the plastic part of the body of plug.
13. No:
         – Keep electric heating devices (televisions, irons, electric cookers, etc.) near flammable objects.
14. Do not use electricity to:
          – Anti-theft.
          – Mouse trap.
          – fishing.



Electrical design guide

Etiam a tellus eget nisi porttitor pretium ac et eros. Morbi aliquam erat sed ligula ultricies ultricies. Proin scelerisque ligula sed semper tincidunt. Nullam vel laoreet risus. Aliquam faucibus, nisi id ullamcorper semper, orci sem molestie mauris, id molestie eros lorem nec ante. Morbi tristique velit vel varius volutpat. Praesent non metus vulputate, tincidunt justo vel, convallis neque. Aenean at dapibus ex. Ut magna quam, tristique at accumsan eu, mattis fringilla lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean nibh dolor, mollis tincidunt malesuada ac, dapibus a enim. Morbi dolor tortor, consequat at scelerisque et, egestas vel enim. Donec vel risus cursus, lacinia felis eu, vestibulum metus. Sed ac lorem purus. Integer nibh lacus, feugiat eu maximus quis, auctor sit amet dui.

Quisque lacinia arcu nec lectus semper volutpat. Aenean posuere, mauris ac venenatis aliquam, leo ipsum lacinia justo, vitae lobortis diam justo ac dui. Suspendisse cursus velit et pretium luctus. Suspendisse nec lectus non tellus tristique tempus ut dignissim est. Donec sit amet nulla metus. Maecenas auctor leo quam. Nam et sem vel purus semper tincidunt. Aliquam convallis urna quis diam pharetra, sit amet vehicula nisi posuere. Aliquam nec tempor urna.

Suspendisse quis magna semper, fermentum sem quis, faucibus sapien. Pellentesque in tempus nisi, vitae blandit tortor. Mauris scelerisque purus eget ligula scelerisque dignissim. Vestibulum et gravida libero. Quisque nec ex lacus. Integer venenatis lobortis nisi, vel venenatis augue gravida tempor. In lacinia porta porta. In justo turpis, varius a orci eu, ultricies lacinia elit. Vestibulum eros dolor, accumsan sit amet ex sed, egestas suscipit purus. Morbi fringilla accumsan sem ut mollis. Proin at ipsum vel est convallis feugiat a vitae ipsum.

Donec et velit interdum, gravida libero sed, venenatis velit. Nulla sed consectetur lacus. Suspendisse dictum quam sit amet porta pellentesque. Vestibulum feugiat feugiat lobortis. Etiam dignissim magna id eleifend condimentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec et ante mattis, iaculis augue in, venenatis lacus. Morbi pellentesque tellus et augue bibendum, et efficitur lectus volutpat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam scelerisque dapibus metus sed mattis. Duis ac pharetra felis, quis luctus nunc. Vestibulum ante enim, dignissim ut faucibus feugiat, sollicitudin vel lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse tempor mauris elementum, pharetra mauris in, pulvinar augue.


Electrical installation instructions according to IEC standard guide

Etiam a tellus eget nisi porttitor pretium ac et eros. Morbi aliquam erat sed ligula ultricies ultricies. Proin scelerisque ligula sed semper tincidunt. Nullam vel laoreet risus. Aliquam faucibus, nisi id ullamcorper semper, orci sem molestie mauris, id molestie eros lorem nec ante. Morbi tristique velit vel varius volutpat. Praesent non metus vulputate, tincidunt justo vel, convallis neque. Aenean at dapibus ex. Ut magna quam, tristique at accumsan eu, mattis fringilla lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean nibh dolor, mollis tincidunt malesuada ac, dapibus a enim. Morbi dolor tortor, consequat at scelerisque et, egestas vel enim. Donec vel risus cursus, lacinia felis eu, vestibulum metus. Sed ac lorem purus. Integer nibh lacus, feugiat eu maximus quis, auctor sit amet dui.

Quisque lacinia arcu nec lectus semper volutpat. Aenean posuere, mauris ac venenatis aliquam, leo ipsum lacinia justo, vitae lobortis diam justo ac dui. Suspendisse cursus velit et pretium luctus. Suspendisse nec lectus non tellus tristique tempus ut dignissim est. Donec sit amet nulla metus. Maecenas auctor leo quam. Nam et sem vel purus semper tincidunt. Aliquam convallis urna quis diam pharetra, sit amet vehicula nisi posuere. Aliquam nec tempor urna.

Suspendisse quis magna semper, fermentum sem quis, faucibus sapien. Pellentesque in tempus nisi, vitae blandit tortor. Mauris scelerisque purus eget ligula scelerisque dignissim. Vestibulum et gravida libero. Quisque nec ex lacus. Integer venenatis lobortis nisi, vel venenatis augue gravida tempor. In lacinia porta porta. In justo turpis, varius a orci eu, ultricies lacinia elit. Vestibulum eros dolor, accumsan sit amet ex sed, egestas suscipit purus. Morbi fringilla accumsan sem ut mollis. Proin at ipsum vel est convallis feugiat a vitae ipsum.

Donec et velit interdum, gravida libero sed, venenatis velit. Nulla sed consectetur lacus. Suspendisse dictum quam sit amet porta pellentesque. Vestibulum feugiat feugiat lobortis. Etiam dignissim magna id eleifend condimentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec et ante mattis, iaculis augue in, venenatis lacus. Morbi pellentesque tellus et augue bibendum, et efficitur lectus volutpat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam scelerisque dapibus metus sed mattis. Duis ac pharetra felis, quis luctus nunc. Vestibulum ante enim, dignissim ut faucibus feugiat, sollicitudin vel lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse tempor mauris elementum, pharetra mauris in, pulvinar augue.